Boris Krizma (E-Mail)
A600-accelerator board Fúria EC020 finished, production started
As Boris 'Boboo' Krizma reported, the development of his accelerator board "Fúria EC020" has finished and the production was started. First boards will be delivered to users who supported the development financially.
Likely the delivery will start at the end of September. One board costs 90 Euro. The number of the boards is limited by the number of available CPUs. A MC68EC020FG25 processor is used as well as FPU MC68882FN40. The processor has 28Mhz but can be overclocked by the user up to 37,8 Mhz.
With the help of included tools "Furiatune" provided by Martin Kuchinka you can configure some of the features of the Fúria:
- Set FPU and CPU-caches on/off
- (De)activate IDE-Speedup
- ShadowROM (copy Kickstart ROM to RAM)
- MapROM (load and use ROM-images from harddrive with up to 1 MB)
- integration of additional 1,5 MB of virtual memory [probably at the expense of ShadowROM-/MapROM-functions, editor's note]
- Rebbot of the computer
- Display or reset of all Fúria-paramters
If you are interested in this board then please contact Boris Krizma via email.
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 30. Aug. 2013, 22:15] [Comments: 0]
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