AmigaOne X1000: Linux-Kernel 3.8.7
"xeno 74" has compiled a new version of the Linux-kernel for the X1000. Version 3.8.7 should fix problems of the Linux-kernel and RadeonHD graphic board which could occur at some OpenGL-based applications just like SuperTuxKart or the Android emulator.
For installation under Debian Wheezy or Ubuntu 12.04 the directory 3.8.7X1000 has to be copied to /lib/modules/.
Direct download: kernel-3.8.7x1000.tar.gz (5,7 MB)
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 14. Apr. 2013, 17:57] [Comments: 1 - 16. Apr. 2013, 10:19]
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