amigafuture.de (Webseite)
AROS: Icaros Desktop 1.5.1
Paolo Besser has released version 1.5.1 of his AROS-distribution Icaros Desktop. Now a new kernel is used which will provide more stability and fix the boot problems of some of the motherboards. The keyboard shortcut Control-Alt-Delete activates a cold start, and Control-lAros-rAROS a warm start.
Additionally the update includes the game Ri-Li, the backup tool BackupCopy and updates of several components of the Distribution.
Originally Icaros 1.5.1 was delivered with a buggy version of the FAT-handler which could destroy the filesystems on FAT12-/FAT16 media. If you have already installed the update then check if the new version was installed: You can recognize it by looking at the name of the download archive. The name of the new version was completed by an"-1": "IcarosLive_1_5_1-1.7z.exe" instead of " IcarosLive_1_5_1.7z.exe".
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 31. Jan. 2013, 17:11] [Comments: 0]
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