amiga.org (Webseite)
List of Amiga-extensions of independent developers updated
The list of Amiga hardware devices developed by independent hardware developers and which are not available through standart retail channels was updated. Additional to replaced pictures and updated pricing the following projects have been added:
- A600 4MB
- Accelerator+IDE+RAM for A500/2000/CDTV/other
- Unassembled 2MB non autoconfig fastmem for A500/A1000/A2000/CDTV
- A600 mouse/joystick extender
- Indivision MkII custom length cable
- External CF adapter
- Indivision Mk2 HDMI adapter
- Indivision ECS VGA adapter for A600
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 20. Jul. 2012, 06:30] [Comments: 0]
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