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Jens Schönfeld: Status update for several projects
In a thread on, Jens Schönfeld has given an overview about the status of several projects. The thread can only be read by registerted users, therefore it follows a short summary:

1. Indivision AGA MK2

I have the last prototype since the end of October but I did not have had time for building it up. I will do it in January with the help of Michael Böhmer.

2. Indivision ECS

Occasionally there have been some delivery delays. This is due to an increased demand for this Flickerfixers during the last eight weeks. Unfortunately the store is almost empty. New Flickerfixers are being produced but I cannot guarantee they are available before Xmas. There will be not any changes.

3. ACA1231-42

I am still waiting for the delivery of Winbond. It is sure that the board has the fastest SD-Ram which is available on market. Unfortunately there have been delays. Therefore we had to put off the production again and again. In the next week we can continue. Most likely the board will be finished until Xmas.

4. Micromys V3

Simlar to Indivision ECS: The inventory is low, the demand constant and a new charge is being produced.

5. ACA520

The announced accelerator board for the A500 will have to wait until next year.

6. Nequester

The next generation router is the real reason that all the other projects are delayed. We habe been working several months on it and finally in November we succeeded in getting it working. In the next year Nequester will be also available as retail sale as requested. The router will be available at Vesalia in 2012.

Jens" (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 05. Dec. 2011, 17:44] [Comments: 0]
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