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AROS-Exec (Forum)

AROS: Hosted Android version
Since today, also a port of AROS running hosted on Android (V2.2+) can be downloaded from the Nightly Builds at the title link (photo).

ARMv6 with VFP is required, but no Android modifications like rooting for example. In case someone owns a x86-based Android device, the author, Pavel 'SonicAmiga' Fedin, offers to compile a version for it as well, but he can't test it himself.

AROS is launched as a separate process on top of the Linux kernel, leaving the Java Virtual Machine aside. The Java-side runs a simple X11-alike server, which AROS talks to and uses for display. So basically it is just the ARM version of AROS.

To use the current Nightly Build, the following steps are required after unpacking the arcvhive:
  • Copy "AROS" directory to the root of your SD card (or whatever removeable media your device uses)
  • Install the supplied .APK on the device
  • Run the program "AROS"

[News message: 14. Sep. 2011, 15:46] [Comments: 0]
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