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A-EON (E-Mail)

A-EON Technology: Update to AmigaOne X1000
Press release, London, 7th June 2011

A-EON Technology is pleased to announce that following an extensive test programme Varisys are about to commence manufacturing the full complement of Nemo 2 motherboards for the AmigaOne X1000 Beta Test Team. As part of the pre-qualification process, Varisys have ported the PowerPC version of Debian Squeeze to demonstrate that all onboard components and subsystems are working as expected. The AmigaOS4 developers have also been busy porting the latest version of AmigaOS4.1.x

Cool Running

The energy efficiency of the PA Semi CPU was fully demonstrated during the testing phase. A thermal imaging camera was used to measure the CPU and board temperatures while running Debian Squeeze in dual-core under full load conditions. A maximum CPU/Heatsink/Fan assembly temperature of 31.1C was recorded while playing a DVD on a software rendered 1920x1200 full screen display. With the CPU fan disconnected the temperature rose to meagre 34.6C with a CPU core temperature of 61C.

AmigaOne X1000 Update Article

We are also pleased to announce that the next issue of "Amiga Future" magazine will contain a Nemo 2 update article. Issue 91 (July/August) should be released in early July and can be ordered from the "Amiga Future" website or your local Amiga reseller.

A-EON Technology CVBA (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Jun. 2011, 09:14] [Comments: 0]
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