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08.Mar.2011 (Webseite)

AmigaOne X1000: Linux kernel, white tower cases
Press release:
Penguins anyone?

As part of the pre-qualification process Varisys have created a minimal PowerPC Linux kernel to ensure that all components and subsystems are working as expected on the revision 2 Nemo motherboard. Understandably, Linux driver support is far more extensive and by creating a minimal Linux system Varisys can demonstrate that the board they deliver to the AmigaOS4 developers it fit for purpose.

As an extension of this testing process we have commissioned Varisys to create a desktop Linux port complete with GUI. Although we realize that many Amigans will exclusively run AmigaOS4 we thought that giving the AmigaOne X1000 a working Linux option would add extra value and allow users to run software and utilities that may not be currently available under AmigaOS4.

"It don't matter if you're black or white"

We have been working very closely with AmigaKit to produce "AmigaOne X1000" and "Boing Ball" branded peripherals and merchandise to compliment the excellent A1-X1000 tower case design created by Andrew Korn. In July 2010, AmigaKit began selling a matching black A1-X1000 PS/2 & USB compatible "Boing Ball" keyboard and mouse. These peripherals can be used with the SAM range as well as PC or Mac computers and are also compatible with Classic Amigas by using Cocolino, Micromys, Subway USB or Deneb USB devices.

The original A1-X1000 design was based around a black tower case but, after receiving many requests from customers, we decided to also produce a white version with matching keyboard and mouse combination. AmigaKit began stocking the white mouse at the end of 2010 and hope to be in a position to offer customers and Amiga resellers a choice of the black or white "Boing Ball" tower case in the near future.

A-EON Technology CVBA (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 08. Mar. 2011, 16:09] [Comments: 0]
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