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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Textviewer: EvenMore 0.70 (29.12.10)
Chris Perver's EvenMore is a textviewer written in Amiga E. About the changes in version 0.70 the author writes as follows: "Removed search window, settings, and directory scan options. Replaced with a simple case insensitive search string on the main window.

Entering text into this gadget will search for the first occurance of the word in the viewer. It can be activated using the f key, and its look can be set using the updated preferences plugin. I have thus removed EasyGUI completely from EvenMore. I should now be able to convert the preference plugin to MUI, and the main program to other platforms. You will need to delete your old EvenMore.config file for this to work." (snx)

[News message: 31. Dec. 2010, 09:24] [Comments: 0]
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