Commodore USA: New web site, Amiga 1000/2000/3000 models, Amiga Workbench 5.0
The relaunch of Commodore USA's web site doesn't seem to be finished yet, but one can already locate first hints of the previously announced line of "Amiga" branded devices: Apparently, Commodore plans to offer computers labeled "Amiga 1000", "Amiga 2000" and "Amiga 3000" that will come with an operating system called "Workbench 5.0" preinstalled.
According to the description ("latest and greatest software the open source world has to offer", "Word compatible Office Suite"), the latter seems to be a relabeled Linux distribution, Apparently, emulators will be included aswell, according to Commodore USA Workbench 5.0 will be "100% Commodore compatible" and contain emulators for the original Amiga aswell as older Commodore computers.
But the rights to the Workbench trademark are not Commodore's yet: Cloanto (PersonalPaint, Amiga Forever) is trying for several years to register this mark in the United States - the relevant litigation is still ongoing. Barry 'digitex' Altman states on amigaworld.net that this dispute will be handled by the attorneys.
There's not much information about the hardware that is going to be used for these new "Amiga" computers, we only know that they will be based on standard x86 motherboards. The pictured black desktop cases are made by Aumro. (cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 14. Dec. 2010, 15:31] [Comments: 0]
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