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Bulletin Board System: DLG now open source
The Bulletin Board System DLG, as well as its source code, has been released by Jeff Grimmett and can be downloaded from Aminet now. DLG began as Dialog BBS for the Amiga and was based on the concept of creating an extension to the Amiga operating system for BBS communications.

DLG consists of a number of small, compact modules that present a minimal memory footprint while in operation. The core of the software is a serial port handler that binds the serial port to an interactive shell session, a resource manager to coordinate locking and releasing of important BBS resources (file and message areas, etc.) and a core runtime library containing the most important and widely used functionality in the BBS. Eventually the BBS was extended to utilize the ARexx interpreted scripting language as well. (snx)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2010, 08:40] [Comments: 0]
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