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24.Jun.2010 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Aquaria ported (beta version)
Aquaria (screenshot) is a commercial 2d-action-adventure published by Bit Blot for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. Andrea Palmatè has ported this game also to AmigaOS 4 which can be downloaded as beta version under the title link.

The archive includes the demo version of the game. The complete version must be bought from Bit Blot.

System requirements:
  • An Amiga NG (SAM, micro-A1, A1, Pegasos 2)
  • 512 MB of RAM (1 GB reccomended)
  • A video card with at least 64 MB of RAM (128 MB recommended to play the game correctly)
  • Latest SDL library (included in the package)
  • OpenAL (the included one does cause an error at exit of the program)
  • MiniGL 2.2 (included in the package)
Known problems:
  • If you have a system with 512 MB and 64 MB video RAM, it is better to close all programs before running Aquaria. Use also a 16 Bit Workbench screen with compositing effects off to save Video RAM
  • You could get trashed textures in the menu (and also during the game). This means that you are out of memory (video and/or system). The game is still playable but you should free something before continuing to play. A video card with 128 MB of RAM should cure all problems. Otherwise, if this happens you can close the game and restart from a saved location
  • When you push escape key during the game the machine could freeze. I don't know why but i have nothing on the serial debug output and I don't know why it does freeze
Download: Aquaria.lha.lzh (200 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Jun. 2010, 13:41] [Comments: 0]
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