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24.Mar.2010 (Webseite)

Survey: What do you expect from an Icaros USB stick?
Under the title link the maintainer of the AROS-distribution Icaros asked if you are interested in a bootable USB-stick which has the operating system installed. It follows the survey:

Please remember that AROS can boot only from SFS partitions and other operating systems like Windows and Linux generally use FAT partitions on USB sticks for data exchange, while they cannot usually access SFS ones.
  • a) I would prefer a 1 GB or 2 GB usb stick totally dedicated to Icaros Desktop, with a full-featured AROS installation with dozens of games, applications and development tools. No matter if Windows cannot read it
  • b) I would prefer a 1 GB usb stick with a little AROS boot partition, with the really useful programs inside and a couple of good quality games, and a 512 MB FAT partition for data exchange.
  • c) I would prefer a 2 GB usb stick with a moderate AROS boot partition, with useful programs inside and a selection of good quality games, and 1 GB FAT partition for data exchange.
  • d) I would prefer a bigger and more expensive 4 or 8 GB usb stick with enough space for an AROS partition, and half the space dedicated to a FAT data exchange partition.

Feel free to add suggestions, like the programs you would really like to see, if you would prefer a bare USB pendrive or a more selected product, and so on. Please remember that the higher the capacity and the hardware coolness, the higher it will cost to final user. Target final price is for now set to 19.99 Euro for a 4 GB pendrive, but it won't go under 12 Euro for a 1 GB stick. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2010, 23:27] [Comments: 0]
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