Amiga Future (Webseite)
USB-Stack: Poseidon 4.4 for Subway, Highway, Algor and Deneb
For owners of the E3B-products Subway, Highway, Algor and Deneb an update of the USB-stack Poseidon written by Chris Hodges was published. It can be downloaded under the title link.
The upgrade to version 4.4 is for free. If you want to support the work of the author you can send him a present of his Amazon-wish list (DE, UK).
- New RTL8150 Ethernet adapter class (commissioned)
- A lot less interrupt load on Highway and Subway with Ethernet adapters
and other devices constantly NAK'ing on input data
- Bugfix in massstorage.class regarding the broken geometry with simple
SCSI enabled
- HID class now knows the names of the touchscreen extension items (no
default actions though, because I don't have one here to test)
(snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 15. Feb. 2010, 16:19] [Comments: 0]
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