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MorphOS: Keyboard layout changer Keymap.sbar 20.7
Keymap.sbar for MorphOS 2 is an extension for the screen title bar and allows you to quickly change the keyboard layout (screenshot). Keymap.sbar supports all MorphOS- and AmigaOS-3.1- keyboard layouts.
Changes in version 20.7:
- Disable "Keyboard Settings" menu item in case the MorphOS System Preferences are already open
- Added images for new Greek keymaps (pc105_gr and pc105_us+gr)
- Added French translation by Antoine Dubourg
- Updated Russian documentation by Andrei Shestakov
- Show information about the keymap codepage, if available
- Added Swedish translation by Stefan Blixth
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 09. Nov. 2009, 00:39] [Comments: 0]
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