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08.Aug.2009 (website)

USB stack: Poseidon 4.3 for Subway, Highway, Algor and Deneb
Press release Seven, eight, nine, kann denn das noch sein? It can, and it is: I can give you more! The long awaited hot summer 07.08.09 release of Poseidon V4.3 for Subway, Highway, Algor and Deneb cards is finally available.

The Deneb USB 2.0 Highspeed board is still in stock, so if you want to benefit from the possibility of using USB Soundcards and the new UVC webcam class that comes with Poseidon V4.3, not to mention the speed of Zorro III (DMA) and the big flashrom, go ahead and get one at your local dealer. You don't want to wait for heaven!

A lot of bugs and glitches have been found, partially thanks to the AROS port.

There are two new classes: One for MosChip Ethernet adapters and one for webcams that make use the UVC (USB Video Class) standard and MJPEG frame data. The usbvideo.class provides a runtime VHI Studio driver.

If you're using your Deneb in an A3000 with Buster 9, please make sure that you install the new Romtag called "DenebBuster9IDTag" into your flashrom to use the DMA driver. Please read the supplied readme file for details. Also, after updating, make sure you're updating the contents of your flashrom aswell - otherwise you will be getting mixed versions from flashrom and on-disk files.

I spent quite some time in getting out the new classes, and it all again is for free, but if you appreciate my work, please consider sending some gifts in from my Amazon wishlists (DE, UK) - it is greatly appreciated.

Poseidon V4.3 is available through the Trident online update and on my homepage at the title link.

Enjoy, have a good time.

Summary of news:
  • Massive bug fixing at several places as a result of the AROS port
  • New MosChip Ethernet adapter class
  • New USB Video class for UVC webcams
  • Ethernet classes bugfixing (should now work with Genesis)
  • Poseidon now adds timestamps to the log
  • Support for >2 TB media in massstorage.class (untested)
  • PTP Class bug fixes
  • More wacom tablets detected in hid.class, NewMouse event sending now configurable
  • Hubs with more than 7 ports supported
  • Deneb driver fixes - supports Buster 9 mode (please read readme!)

[News message: 08. Aug. 2009, 07:04] [Comments: 0]
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