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Martok (ANF)

Software-News: FFmpeg/FFplay svnr18880f, DrawerBall 0.8g, EyeViewer SE

Video-converter/-player FFmpeg/FFplay svnr18880f

Piotr Bandurski has published a new version of his FFmpeg-port. The archive includes the player FFplay which currently should be the most efficient video player for AmigaOS 3-systems. Changes since the last version:
  • optimized mpeg audio decoder (MP2/MP3) for 68060 (FFmpeg/FFplay*_060fpu)
  • added FFmpeg's binary with optimized mpeg audio decoder for 68040 (and WinUAE)
  • added MP3LQ patches for FFmpeg (use spatch to apply them to normal FFmpeg's versions)

FFplay requires the ixemul.libary version 61 and does not work with the original version of the library.

Direct download: ffmpeg-svnr18880f-m68k.lha (14 MB)

MorphOS: DrawerBall 0.8g

Tom 'Amigaharry' Duin has published Drawerball 0.8g which is an early version of a simple filemanager.

EyeViewer SE

The picture viewer Eye Viewer SE is available for AmigaOS as well as for AmigaOS 4.1 and works now faster ans more stable. Because it includes a 68k-core the player does not work properly for the additional audio output (MOD-, MP3-, SV8X- and WAV-files).

EyeViewerSE-68k.lzx (738 KB)
EyeViewerSE-OS4.lzx (925 KB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Jul. 2009, 16:15] [Comments: 0]
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