amigaworld.net (Webseite)
AmigaOS 4: Update 3 for the game BOH
Simone Bevilacqua has published another update for his commercial arcade game BOH which includes the following changes:
- adds a direction indicator to the map
- allows to create chains of teleports of any length
- allows to specify the ambient illumination on a per-floor basis (several missions have been modified to take advantage of this)
- allows to add (optionally localized) synopses to missions
- takes note of the total playing time of each mission and of the whole game
- allows to restart the last failed mission without returning to the menu
- adds support of joypad axes
- allows to confirm/reject the name entered by means of joypad buttons;
- adds [ALT]+[F4] support (Windows only)
- fixes the countdown ticking (the sample was not played when the time limit was less than 1 minute)
- improves/updates the user's manual
- applies some other changes
The demo version of the game was updated as well.
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 29. Jun. 2009, 20:07] [Comments: 0]
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