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Software-News until 12.06.2009

Instant Messenger: SabreMSN 0.50

James 'jahc' Carroll has published a new update of SabreMSN which is an Instant Messenger for the MSN-network for AmigaOS 3/4 and AROS. The changes are listed in the Changelog.

Compiler: ECX 2.1.0

ECX is a compiler for the programming language E for AmigaOS, MorphOS and AmigaOS 4. ECX requires an existing installation of the Amiga-E-package. The changes in the new version 2.1.0 are listed in the Readme-file.

MorphOS: Reggae-Updates - multimedia.class and multiread.buffer

Grzegorz "Krashan" Kraszewski has published two updates for his multimedia library Reggae:

multimedia.class 52.14:
  • New helper methods for implementing seek in subclasses: PreSeek/PostSeek pair has similar purpose as PrePull/PostPull. They do all the framework "bookkeeping", parameters verification, detection of seek past end of stream, method forwarding along the pipeline, log messages and so on. What is also important, PreSeek implements automatic "seek-by-read" fallback for not seekable data sources. Then a subclass implementor may be sure he can always perform forward seek in his demuxer/decoder, even for streams like (which is not seekable).

multiread.buffer 51.5
  • No functional changes, just uses pull and seek helpers in the new multimedia.class, it requires multimedia.class 52.14+ for this reason. Updated documentation.
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Jun. 2009, 15:08] [Comments: 0]
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