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16.May.2009 (Webseite)

Individual Computers: New production run of the Competition Pro joystick
Press release In cooperation with Speed-Link we re-launched the only true joystick in september 2006: The Competition PRO for connection to a C64, Atari, Amiga, MSX and Amstrad/Schneider. The project was a huge success, only a few resellers can ship the cult device from the eighties at the moment.

Since an end to the demand is not forseeable, we started a new production run together with Speed-Link. Brand new joysticks for computer-classics of the eighties will be available in july of this year. The technical data in short:
  • A true classic, an icon of retro-gaming
  • Connects to all retro systems like Amiga, C64, Amstrad/Schneider CPC, Atari, MSX
  • Six microswitches, two axles, four fire buttons
  • Upper fire buttons can be switched off
  • Cable length of 1.80 meters (5.9 ft)
The new production run of the Competition PRO Retro was financially supported by our retail partners. The following resellers will carry the new joysticks exclusively until december 31st, 2009: Speed-Link will also sell a small quantity of the Competition PRO Retro in their Online-Shop. The new joysticks will be available in july 2009 for a price of 14,99 EUR (RRP incl. German VAT of 19%). Also look for bundle-offers at the reseller of your choice!

Our smaller, but not less important resellers Protovision and Alinea-Computer still have a small quantity of the Competition PRO Retro in stock; if you don't want to wait until july, you can order the ultimate gaming device for your favourite computer without any delays! (snx)

[News message: 16. May. 2009, 16:01] [Comments: 0]
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