Amiga.org (website)
PDF magazine: AmigaHellas #11 (greek)
Issue 11 (April 2009) of the greek PDF magazine AmigaHellas has been published at the title link. The editors are open to translate single articles into English in case enough interest is gathered.
- Report from the recent "Amigathering X" event, held in Volos. Plus several photos of course
- Ultimate A1200 mod, part 2. We continue with the next chapter of what we believe to be, the ultimate A1200 mod. Fit a PPC accelerator, BVision, HDD and optical drives in the original Amiga box, without a meltdown
- Video and presentations on the Amiga. A new series of articles, provided by an expert on the field
- Music on the Amiga, part 2. Continued after the last issue
- A600 GRL project. The A600 was the smallest Amiga ever built. Someone decided that it wasn't small enough. The GRL (GReek Laptop) project was born. Read it all here
[News message: 13. Apr. 2009, 06:54] [Comments: 0]
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