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16.Feb.2009 (Webseite)

Emulator: Preview to WinUAE 1.6.0
As usual the developers of the well-knwon Amiga emulator WinUAE give a short preview of the forthcoming version. WinUAE 1.6.0 will be published in spring 2009 and include the following news:
  • Very popular request: automatic display scaling/window resizing! (not compatible with all programs)
  • PAL/NTSC vertical size change emulated if filter enabled
  • Transparent clipboard sharing between Amiga clipboard.device and Windows clipboard, both Amiga->Windows and Windows->Amiga supported. Text and images supported, HAM6/8 automatically converted to 24-bit image, EHB converted to 64-color image. Images with less than 256 colors images converted to standard IFF, higher color images converted to 24-bit IFF. Text converted to plain text, formatting possible in future.
  • "Interlace fixer", interlaced screens are now rock solid, all interlace artifacts will be gone. (this feature isn't same as scandoubler or flickerfixer and not compatible with most games)
  • VirtualPC VHD dynamic harddisk image support (dynamic = empty hardfile is very small, size grows automatically when more data gets written)
  • Custom chipset emulation updates, horizontally mixed lores and hires modes work and more (for example Disposable Hero titlescreen is finally perfect, Oops Up ray color issue)
  • Mouse emulation rewritten (Oil Imperium pipelining minigame)
  • 10 sector and 81/82 track PC/Atari ST disk images supported
  • OCS/ECS "7-planes" mode fully implemented (4 normal bitplanes + 2 static 16-bit patterns for planes 5 and 6) 1st Anniversary by Lazy Bones has 100% correct display now.
  • SuperHires supprted in lores and filtered lores modes
  • 320x256, 640x512, 800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024 always added to RTG mode list (320x200 and 320x240 was already available previously)
  • RTG mode vertical blanking interrupt implemented without busy waiting, interrupt rate added configuration added to GUI
  • Filter multiplier select boxes now support manually entered multipliers, for example 2.5 = 2.5x
  • Full drawing tablet support. (must be wintab compatible)
  • "Magic mouse" mode improvements
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Feb. 2009, 15:39] [Comments: 0]
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