MorphOS: Firewire-Stack Helios 0.1.162
Guillaume "Yomgui" Roguez has published a first version of his recently announced Firewire-Stack for MorphOS. Currently "Helios" has the following limitations:
- Isochrone mode not supported
- Asynchrone mode limitations: Ping request not supported, Lock request/response not supported
- No bus management yet (to support the isochrone mode)
- FWInspect shows only the first PCI OHCI1394 bridge found on the host
- Functions Helios_EnableBus() / Helios_DisableBus() work
but cause system crashes when helios.library is flushed, then reloaded
The archive also includes a SDK for developers. Roguez points out that the API of the helios.library will be changed in this early status.
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 27. Jan. 2009, 01:06] [Comments: 0]
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