First prices for SAM440ep-flex quoted
The first dealers have quoted prices for the next generation of ACube's PPC-computer SAM440: IMM Informatique will offer a SAM440ep-flex for 489 Euro here, Vesalia will offer it for 449 Euro.
In a thread on amigaworld.net Massimiliano "m3x" Tretene from Acube explained when SAM440ep- and SAM440ep-flex-motherboards will be available. Since 5th January SAM440ep has been delivered to the dealers and during the next 7-10 days some further boards will follow. In 3-4 weeks a fourth charge will be expected at ACube and afterwards it will follow the first SAM440ep-flex motherboards.
According to Tretene the current delay was caused by the CPU-deliveries which require to be happened 16 weeks before. Additionally there has been some communication problems between ACube and some dealers. Because of that the exact number of required boards was not clear.
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 20. Jan. 2009, 16:23] [Comments: 0]
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