Andreas Magerl (ANF)
APC&TCP: DigiboosterPro Status-Report
APC&TCP informs us about the progress of development of Digibooster Pro.
According to the latest information the development of the new DBPro3 is
slowly, but steadily taking shape.
The first goal of the developers is and was to completely recode the whole
program for a better structure in order to improve and be more efficient.
Furthermore, the handling is the same as in DBPro2.x. The current
development status is the internal version Alpha 17th.
In the next 3 to 4 months, a very detailed status update will be published
as well as a beta-demoversion. No further details will be announced
earlier. (nba)
[News message: 19. Jan. 2009, 14:55] [Comments: 0]
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