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04.Jan.2009 (Webseite)

Text viewer: EvenMore 0.65-4.1.09
The text viewer Evenmore was published. Please note that the configuration files of previous versions are not compatible to this latest version. You have to delete these files before installing the update. Changes in this version:
  • Added a sizing gadget to the window when in borderless mode. This is drawn according to the XEN SysIHack specifications. May design an image for the layering gadget, but this may be more complicated due to the design of the GUI
  • Will also try to find a way of resizing the scrollers instead of removing them and adding them again on every refresh?
  • First of all, you will need to delete your old config file before running the new version! Unfortunately this is due to a minor change in the borderless GUI, which happens to upset loading the old configuration. I don't feel it's worth the effort to make a work around. I have added a horizontal scroll bar to the borderless GUI setting. Once you delete your config file, you need to shift click a document as you open EvenMore, otherwise it just closes again. Or if you are opening from the shell, specify a file on the command line
  • I have also removed several menu items which I felt weren't really needed
  • And I have fixed several issues which prevented EvenMore from opening properly when no config file was available. Check the history page for details
  • Removed text formatting code from AmigaWriter2Text plugin. Text formatting in this fileformat is too complicated to recreate
  • Added fakestack hack code from Aminet so EvenMore will report stack
  • Fixed bug in which switching between right and left reading text would not return the text box to the correct position
  • Horizontal rule in HTML was not rendered properly when right to left text option was enabled
  • Sped up file loading a little by modifying progress bar count code
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2009, 16:11] [Comments: 0]
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