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Andre 'Ratte' Pfeiffer (ANF)

KICKTOS: Kickstart disk for the Amiga 1000 with Atari TOS
Andre Pfeiffer wrote: In contrast to all other available Atari-ST-emulators KICKTOS boots a TOS (V1.02) to the original memory address where.

Because it hast only a size of 192 KB it was possible to set all Amiga specific special routines in the memory behind the TOS. The Amiga-1000-WOM has 256 KB;. Therefore for the Amiga specific routines 64 KB remains.

With the Amiga hardware the TOS is safe from destroying by overwriting and the whole normal memory remains for the applications.

The current version is only a technology demo because some adaptions of the memory management and keyboard requests must be improved.

A special thank to Toni Wilen who helped me with the peculiarities of the 68000. I only had to write KICKTOS 20 years ago... (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2008, 06:59] [Comments: 0]
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