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Hans-Jörg Frieden winner of August of "Seeding the Success Campaign"
Each month the Seeding the Success Campaign introduced by DiscreetFX rewards a developer who forwards the Amiga .

Hans-Jörg Frieden who is the project manager of the AmigaOS 4-Teams is the winner of August.

Instead of paying 100 USD this time with this amount a bounty was opened which is supposed to help buying a Plystation 3 for Hans-Jörg Frieden.

This idea was inspired by a article at Ars Technica where the misinformation was circulated that the OS4-Team tests a PS3-port. Meanwhile Hans-Jörg Frieden set right this misinformation and explained that a PS3-port "currently cannot be written". (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Sep. 2008, 16:45] [Comments: 0]
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