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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Print magazine: Amiga Future 74 (September/October 2008) published
Press release Today issue 74 (September/October 2008) has been published. This means that all subscriptions, preorders and dealer supplies have been brought to the postal office.

In this issue you will find reviews of WinUAE, AmiBlitz, MorphOS 2.0, AMuse, Cave Story and lots of more. A more detailed description of content and excerpts can be found at the title link.

The Amiga Future is available as an English and German print magazine directly from its editorial office and some Amiga dealers. The Amiga Future can be obtained as a single issue or subscription each with or without a cover CD.

As always you will find much PD software and some full versions like Photo Folio, Astral, Battle Space and others on the Amiga Future cover CD. There are only a few magazines left of issues 69 to 73. All previous issues are outsold. Of course the cover CDs are still available.

Amiga Future needs your support: We are looking for editors for the magazine. You should own a classic Amiga or Pegasos and know its workings. Furthermore you should have some experience in writing reviews. As well as that, your native language has to be either German or English which you should be fluent in. Please don't forget: The Amiga Future is a community project.

In addition we are still looking for translators for the magazine. Again your native language should be German or English and you should be fluent in reading/writing both of them. Interested? Please contact us via e-mail at (snx)

[News message: 04. Sep. 2008, 20:42] [Comments: 0]
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