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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

MorphOS: Fotodraw 0.1 (Update)
Carsten Siegner has published a first alpha version of his command line "Fotodraw". With Fotodraw you can create EPS-files or PDF-documents. It supports raster images and texts.

MorphOS 2.0 and Ghostscript 8.54 are required. There is not still a detailed documentation but you can activate a help text with "Fotodraw -h".

Download: Fotodraw-0.1.lha (403 KB)

Update: (21:21, 10.08.08, snx)
Meanwhile Fotodraw 0.1 was published. In this version a document system was added. With it you can create complicated documents as PDF-file. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Aug. 2008, 08:19] [Comments: 0]
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