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Cloanto (E-Mail)

Cloanto: Emulation package Amiga Forever 2008
Preceding an official press-release scheduled for next week, Cloanto today announced the availability of the next version of their emulation package:

After more than two years of work, Amiga Forever 2008 is being officially released today. This new version is the most significant upgrade ever in the Amiga Forever series. It sets new references in usability, while more than tripling the featured content and providing easy access to a universe of free downloads.

The new player for Windows is nothing short of revolutionary, while feeling as familiar and easy to use as a media player (Screenshots). Beyond its beautiful skin, it uses heuristic logic to autoconfigure downloaded games (including double clicks on disk images), and supports features such as saved states, disk write undo and dual monitor setups.

On the cross-platform front, the KX Light standalone boot environment features a new kernel and hard disk installation (with online updates). The Gallery section (Plus Edition CD) includes the full and original 1979 Tripos (AmigaOS precursor) presentation, and new "top secret" Amiga-Atari documents, while tons of new games and demoscene productions are sure to deliver long hours of enjoyment. For the technically-minded, Amiga Forever 2008 also includes new ROMs, new ADFs, new HDFs, and better support for WHDLoad, AmiKit and AmigaSYS (crash-course for upgraders).

Owners of a previous version of Amiga Forever (any edition, either downloadable or physical) can upgrade at a reduced price.

The Amiga Forever team at Cloanto would again like to thank the numerous Amiga Friends for their long-time support (and patience, in recent months), and the many contributors who made Amiga Forever possible (as listed in the Credits section of the Amiga Forever documentation). (snx)

[News message: 31. May. 2008, 08:55] [Comments: 0]
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