MorphOS: VLC 0.8.6f Beta 3, SearchStar 0.94
VLC 0.8.6f Beta 3
Rupert Hausberger is making available an update to his MorphOS port of the media player VLC. Changes in VLC 0.8.6f Beta 3 (further information can be gathered from the readme):
- Impemented overlay video output
- Overlay output is now enabled by default
- Adjusted thread priorities to better working values
- Added more OSD output
Download: vlc-0.8.6f-morphos_beta3.lha (7.5 MB) (alternative download link)
SearchStar 0.94
Tom "Amigaharry" Duin is making available an update to his search program SearchStar, in which minor errors were fixed and performance was improved.
Link: Download page (cg) (Translation: cad)
[News message: 18. May. 2008, 17:07] [Comments: 0]
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