MorphZone (Forum)
MorphOS: MPlayer 1.0 (svn-2008.05.11)
Fabien Coeurjoly has made available an update to the video playback program MPlayer 1.0 for MorphOS.
The new version merely resolves minor errors of the previous version, and therefore, principally addresses users who were affected by these.
- Usergroup.library (and thus tcp stack) not required at init anymore
- Fixed an ffmpeg bug in rv10 (.ram files) recognition that would cause a crash
- Prevent mplayer from using localised float representation (that is "," as decimal for instance). Should fix the bug with a-v delay hotkey and others
Download: MPlayer-1.0-svn-2008.05.11.lha (8 MB) (snx) (Translation: cad)
[News message: 11. May. 2008, 19:38] [Comments: 0]
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