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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Printmagazin: Amiga Future 72 (Mai/Juni 2008), Vorschau
Pressnote: The preview and excerpts for the Amiga Future 72 (May/June 2008) are online now. In this issue you can find recent reviews of DvPlayer, "AmiKit", Word Me Up XXL, Goonies and lots of more. Furthermore there is an interview with the makers of Tales of Tamar. A more detailed description of content and excerpts can be found at: The Amiga Future is available as an English or German printed magazine directly from the editorial office and also some Amiga dealers. The Amiga Future can be obtained either as a single issue or by subscription each version either with or without a cover CD. As always you can find lots of PD software and some full versions of software/games such as Nemac IV DC on the Amiga Future cover CD. We ask all users having an interest in this magazine to order as soon as possible, to avoid disappointment, as some previous copies have already sold out. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 21. Apr. 2008, 15:56] [Comments: 0]
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