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20.Apr.2008 (Web page)

WinUAE: AmigaSYS 4
AmigaSYS is a pre-installed Workbench for the Amiga emulator WinUAE with many enhancements - similar to AIAB (Amiga In A Box) or AmiKit. Additionally required are merely a file with the Kickstart ROM as well as a Workbench disk of version 3.x at least.

With AmigaSYS 4, it is now possible to install AmigaOS 3.9 without 3.0 or 3.1. In addition, the installers for those three operating system versions were heavily upgraded and support five languages. You can find a list of details on the project page under the title link. (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 20. Apr. 2008, 08:15] [Comments: 0]
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