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Volker Mohr (ANF)

Event: Classic Computing 2008
Press release Classic Computing 2008 on September 27 and 28 in the Eurotec Center in Moers.

Once again, the "Verein zum Erhalt klassischer Computer e.V." ("Association for the Preservation of Classic Computers, registered association") is inviting you to Classic Computing this year, too, this time on the west border of the Ruhr area, in the halls of the "Eurotec Center" in 47445 Moers.

On more than 600 square meters, as in the previous years, collections of home computers, game consoles, office computers, but also the repair corner, where computers of club members are reconditioned for free, are waiting for you. Of course, you may also play on historical computers which are set up especially for this purpose.

This year, we set a varying emphasis, for example, a collection of all computers ever built by Commodore that is as complete as possible, from the PET 2001 up to the Amiga 4000T.

Another important subject this year is the Atari. But other computers like Amiga, MSX, classic PC's and Sinclair are not missing out either.

Classic Computing is opened for visitors on Saturday from 10:00 o'clock to 19:00 o'clock, on Sunday from 11:00 o'clock to 16:00 o'clock. Entrance costs 5 euros.

But not only club members will exhibit there, other clubs, private collectors and companies area also welcome. The stand money is intentionally kept very low, to allow participation by individuals, too.

You can obtain further information directly via our homepage under the title link. (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 17. Feb. 2008, 11:32] [Comments: 0]
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