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16.Feb.2008 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Origyn Web Browser 1.10
Jörg Strohmayer has published an update of Origyn Web Browser (screenshot). OWB now includes a simple toolbar. AISS is supported for it. The changes in version 1.10:
  • Added tooltypes for the window size (WIDTH and HEIGHT). The sizes are for the web view, not the complete window
  • Stop gadget is disabled now after loading a page is completed
  • The 4th and 5th mouse buttons are used for back/forward now
  • Added tooltip support (displayed in the progress bar as well)
  • Changed some font engine parameters, the fonts look better now IMHO
  • Added support for a fallback font (tooltype UNICODEFONT, default Bitstream Cyberbit) which is used for missing glyphs in the normal fonts
  • Disabled all stdio output if OWB is started from workbench
  • Changed the network settings to the normal values again (at most 5 connections instead of the 25 used in previous versions which may be rejected by some sites). On most pages it's fast enough now, but since especially on large pages with lots of images without sizes, for example most forums, the rerendering of the pages after each completed (image) load still slowed it down a *lot* I changed it to only (re)render the pages after everything was loaded, or every 5 seconds. Although it makes loading most pages much faster, it can cause way too long delays on interactive sites loading additional data like instead. Since that's only the case on a few sites I guess it's better that way, and when/if OWB gets much faster the 5 seconds can be decreased.
  • Back/forward gadgets are disabled now while loading, and if there is nothing in the history to go to
  • Updated to SVN revision 239 (BMP image decoder added)
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Feb. 2008, 15:27] [Comments: 0]
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