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Aminet-Uploads until 09.07.2007
These are the latest Aminet uploads which have been added since our last message:
AmiPodder.lha           comm/misc  652K    GEN   Subscribe to, download + manage podcasts
A71Mail.lha             comm/www    70K    GEN   Email Form multilanguage written in php
ADBs_Games_Vol1.lha     dev/amos   340K    OS3   2 AMOS Games + sources    dev/c      783K    ARO   SDL_gfx
custom-ti.lha           dev/gg     223K    GEN   custom Amigaized terminfos and termcaps
audiofile-bin-m68k.lha  dev/lib    347K    OS3   gnu audio library
libmikmod-bin-m68k.lha  dev/lib    188K    OS3   portable sound library (music modules)
spatch.lha              dev/misc    10K    VAR   Clone of SAS Binary File Patcher w/src
diskimage_device.lha    disk/misc  108K    OS4   Disk image device (adf,dms,ipf,iso,...)
arexxreference.lha      docs/help   28K    GEN   ARexx command/function reference
AmigaFuture67.lha       docs/mags  923K    GEN   Great german/english paper mag preview
AmiArcadia.lha          misc/emu   332K    OS3   Arcadia 2001/Interton VC 4000/TVGC emul.
aifc2wav_5.lha          mus/edit    17K    OS3   Convert IMA4, SOWT and SDX2, AIFC to WAV
AmySequencer.lha        mus/edit   316K    OS3   MIDI sequencer for the AMIGA
asap2wav-68k.lha        mus/edit    27K    OS3   Player/converter of Atari 8-bit music
mmu-bin-m68k.lha        mus/misc   493K    OS3   manipulate the music modules        mus/play   183K    GEN   AmiNetRadio Skin
mikmod-bin-m68k.lha     mus/play   289K    OS3   console music modules player/converter
playOGG.lha             mus/play   1.5M    OS3   multi format sound player.
bzip2-bin-m68k.lha      util/arc   349K    OS3   gnu bzip2 comp/decomp util and lib
MonitorTest.lha         util/misc   35K    OS3   Monitor Test
StartBar-ITA.lha        util/misc  170K    OS3   Italian version of StartBar
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Jul. 2007, 17:05] [Comments: 0]
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