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02.Jul.2007 (Webseite)

Filesharing: AmiGift 2.0 Prerelease
Amigift is a P2P-Filesharingsystem which based on the from the Unix-world ported giFT-Daemon (Gnutella, FastTrack, OpenFT) and will be used over a MUI-based graphical user interface named "GiftMUI" (Screenshot).

This beta-version is in acc. to the Author more stabil then the earlyer version, but there is now a problem by connecting with FastTrack-networks , which generates a high performance load on the CPU. But this pre-realease will by noted as user-friendly.

Who will test AmiGift 2.0, will by highly recommended to read the Changelog, the AmiGift-Readme and the FAQ.

AmiGift 2.0 works under AmigaOS 3 and MorphOS. AmigaOS 4-user are invoked, to report there experience with AmiGift 2.0, to make sure that it works also in Amiga OS 4. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 02. Jul. 2007, 17:13] [Comments: 0]
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