Pegasosforum (forum)
MorphOS: MUI4-Betaversion from April 25, 2007
Stefan Stuntz has released another beta version of MUI 4.0 for MorphOS.
Annotations and features since March 2007:
- MUI_RequestA() no longer calls EasyRequestArgs() but new app object is created if there is none (itix)
- When window ActiveObject is cleared, remember to clear ActiveObjectPostPoned, too (piru)
- Named (previously unnamed) MUIC_Process which handles ImageSpace flushing on Screen close to 'MUI Screen Patrol' (tokai)
- Don't add Zoom gadget to Window borders when it has no use - e.g. in fixed size requesters (tokai)
- Added support for scaled background images. Still sort of experimental
- Added auto-horizontalization for slider & prop knobs
Download: muibeta_20070425.lha (2,9 MB) (snx) (Translation: tz)
[News message: 17. May. 2007, 13:47] [Comments: 0]
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