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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Navigation: ARexx skripts for Mapquest
Carsten Siegner has created three ARexx skripts for usage with the Mapquest roadmap service.

Amigaearth.rexx: Amigaearth.rexx is an Amiga client with GUI for the German Mapquest server. This server is a online database providing free downloadable roadmaps. The server holds maps of the whole earth.

Mapquestclient.rexx: Mapquestclient.rexx is a shell based client for the German Mapquest server.

Amiganavi.rexx: Amiganavi.rexx is navigation program with GUI. it supports GPS nouses, which support the NMEA-0183 protocol and have a serial RS232 connector. The script fetches position data from the GPS mouse and gets the according maps from the Mapquest server.

Download: amiearth.lha (288 KB) (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 16. May. 2007, 20:10] [Comments: 0]
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