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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

individual Computers: Software updates
Press release: We're providing a hotfix for the Catweasel drivers that corrects writing of Amiga-disks. The only updated file is the Imagetool, please only use it with the latest beta-drivers V2.3.0.0. Download: (77,6K). Caution: This hotfix has only been tested with Amiga-disks!

Oliver Achten has done a lot of work on the MMC64: Since MMC- and SD-cards with a capacity of more than 4G are already available, MMC64 now supports the FAT32 filesystem. This more modern filesystem also has advantages on smaller flashcards, because most C64-files are so small that FAT16 will only waste a lot of space. The new BIOS also made updates on the plugins necessary, most plugins experienced a complete re-write, the old plugins will be updated shortly and can currently only be used with FAT16. The MP3-plugin can now playback whole directories as playlists, the AVF-plugin plays an MMC64-proprietary video format that also utilizes the MP3@64 module. The Picture-plugins have also been updated and they are available in version 1.3 on our support page. An example video file in AVF-format is also located there, because we don't have a converter for your videos yet.

Peter Wendrich has made major updates to the C64-core for the C-One in the past few months. The interrupt behaviour of the CPU has been corrected, a bug in sprite display in the lower screen area has been removed, and the timing-behaviour of the CIA-chips has been implemented according to the results of Peter's detailed research. The new core is available in the download-area of the C-One Webseite. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 13. May. 2007, 17:55] [Comments: 0]
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