AROS-Archives: Uploads until 06.05.2007
Uploads on AROS-Archives since our last report:
dummylibraryexample.i386.src.tar.gz dev/exa 219kb Simple library example - still much to d
potrace.i386-aros.zip gra/con 194kb Transforming bitmaps into vector graphic
potrace.src-aros.zip gra/con 400kb Potrace source code with metamake file
glass.wdz gra/the 29kb Glassy theme
glass_hack.wdz gra/the 30kb Glassy theme (Screenbar hack)
ice_fix.wdz gra/the 33kb ice theme (fix)
mos-like.wdz gra/the 24kb MorphOS-like theme
panther.wdz gra/the 32kb Panther skin
pattern-aroslogo.zip gra/the 473kb Basic AROS logo patterns
thememanager.zip gra/the 42kb Theme manager for AROS
(cg) (Translation: aj)
[News message: 07. May. 2007, 04:41] [Comments: 0]
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