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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Print magazines: Amiga Future is taking over Total Amiga
Press release: 
The German magazine Amiga Future is taking over the famous English magazine Total Amiga from issue 27.

In a very close cooperation with Robert Williams and the Total Amiga Team, we have realized a concept to guarantee the future of an English magazine for a very long time.

Of course this will only be possible if there are enough subscriptions all over the time. However existing Total Amiga subscribers will receive any magazines left on their subscription. Issue 26 of the Total Amiga is the last issue to be published by SEAL in the UK.

In the near future there will be an English release of the German Amiga Future, which will take the place for the Total Amiga. The first new issue of the Amiga Future to be published in German and English is the number 67 for july/august 2007 (release date 5th of July).

For this all the German articles will be translated into English, so the content of both editions will be the same. Our intention is now to get in contact with some more translators with English as their native language. Interested users, they don't have to work for free, should call our editors office as soon as possible.

Both issues of the forthcoming new Amiga Future will be released at the same time. In other words there are no changes for our German readers in the future, but almost all things will change for the current readers of the current Total Amiga:

On time release every two months is one of the important things for the Amiga Future editors. Every issue can be ordered directly from us or from several Amiga dealers worldwide. (Interested dealers please call us too).

Every magazine can be ordered as single issue or as subscription, you can choose it with or without a Cover CD-ROM. Because the Total Amiga did not have such a feature in the past, all current subscribers will receive their magazines without an Cover CD-ROM. Subscribers interested in upgrading their subscription to include the CD can call our office before issue 67 is released Of course upgrading to the Amiga Future with CD-ROM is always possible for additional 3.- Euro at any time.

Each Issue Amiga Future magazine currently contains 52 pages, cover pages in colour, the rest b/w. This won't change for the future as it is an important part of our concept. So it is even possible to release new issues even without any advertisers in a single issue!

Prices have had to change in comparison to the Total Amiga because there are more issues per year and the magazines will now be posted from Germany. Every English or German issue of the Amiga Future will cost 4.50 Euro without a CD or 7.50 with our Cover CD-ROM. All prices plus shipping costs, e.g. additional 3.75 Euro worldwide.

Our special subscription price is 39.90 Euro resp. 57.90 Euro for the CD-ROM edition. Here are the shipping costs already included. You can see, becoming a subscriber is a lot cheaper (and easier) than ordering a single issue and it gives our editors confidence in the future of the English magazine.

We invite anyone interested in an English Amiga magazine to order the first issue as soon as possible or even better subscribe to the magazine and become a part of the Amiga Future community. We can always only print a small additional quantity of magazines above those for subscriptions and preorders so make sure you get your copy.

Our editors office is reachable at:

Amiga Future
Postfach 83
D-83234 Übersee

The new forthcoming English translated issue of the Amiga Future magazine can already be ordered in our online-shop, the same for subscriptions with or without the Cover CD-ROM.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via eMail or by visiting our English section of the website. Of course there is even a newsletter available, to subscription send eMail to

About Amiga Future

The Amiga Future was founded about nine years ago and has started with issue 11 by the publisher ICP (e.g. German AmigaPlus) because of technical reasons. Later on the publisher FALKE has taken over the Amiga Future magazine with its editors and the AmigaPlus too. Almost seven years ago we had an buy out and the Amiga Future was done by its editors itself. Since issue 27 the magazine is done completely by its editors office, meaning writing articles, layout and even sales and marketing. Actually we have a very safe financial base, so even if the subscriptions getting lost that much this would be no reason for stopping the magazine at all.

Additionally there are almost daily enhancements at the website. Besides the biggest cheats database (over 5.000 cheats for over 2.000 Amiga Games) we have a very large database with over 1.000 articles available online. Actually we have even a new gallery with over 1.000 Amiga related pictures of all kinds. Another new feature is our download area with lots of full releases of famous Amiga Software titles (this includes Games and Applications).

Since some time now we are also hosting the very famous Big Book of Amiga Hardware (BBoAH) which is being updated very often. Quite some other enhancements for the website are always planned.

About Total Amiga

Total Amiga is an A4 printed Amiga magazine published by the enthusiastic Amiga users at South Essex Amiga Link. The magazine covers all aspects of the Amiga from a user's point of view, we try to be as honest and realistic as we can. Each issue has a selection of news, product reviews, hints and tips, tutorials and opinion. Inside the magazine you will find a variety of writers, some regular and others contributing the odd piece now and then.

The magazine has now been running for about eight years, for the first nine issues it was called "Clubbed". Total Amiga is published quarterly (four times per year). Total Amiga is available by subscription world wide, we also sell single issues and distribute through Amiga dealers.

Total Amiga is produced entirely on the Amiga using PageStream 4 and a variety of other software. We try to maintain a high quality throughout the magazine and have been praised for our production values. Total Amiga is a non-profit publication and all the contributors and everyone who works on it gives their time for free as a service to the Amiga community.


To retain the quality even in the future we need your support. At first of course we need enough subscriptions of the Amiga Future. Second we need some good translators and even writers for the website. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 07. Apr. 2007, 16:34] [Comments: 0]
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