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04.Mar.2007 (Web page)

Magazine: The Crypt - Issue 48
The 48th issue of the English magazine The Crypt includes, among other things, the concluding part of Barry Walker's Amiga hardware project "The Event Detector" as well as a report on the newly-founded Lincolnshire Amiga Group.

Furthermore, in the remaining, non-Amiga-based region of the magazine, Deluxe PocMon is introduced, Edgar Vidgal's port of his Amiga game Deluxe PacMan. He had already brought Deluxe Galaga to the Windows platform before, which can be purchased there under the name of Warblade. (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 04. Mar. 2007, 18:19] [Comments: 0]
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