der_letzte_Amiganer (ANF)
Event: Computer- and Videomarket in Bremen (3./4. March)
Computer- and Videomarket in Bremen at the Bürgerzentrum Neue Vahr will open this year on 3. and 4. March 2007 between 9am and 5pm.
The User der Nordseeküste hope,
they welcome the trader from Osnabrück Axel Knabe
with an Efika-Board from bplan and the from Guido Mersmann builded proper housing.
Also the Computer- and Videomarket presents a lot of opportunities to get a good bargain of Computer-, Electronics or Stillcameras. (snx) (Translation: aj)
[News message: 26. Feb. 2007, 18:11] [Comments: 0]
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