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YAM Open Source Team (ANF)

New online FAQ for YAM available
The developer team of the email program YAM (Yet Another Mailer) has launched a new web servive for an automated administration of fequently asked questions (FAQ). The phpMyFAQ based system does not only allow every user to browse the existing data base of the YAM FAQ, but also to directly add qustions to the system which may be answered later on by the administrators and which will be added then to the FAQ.

The team hopes to provide their user community a better support for frequently asked questions that way. It is also the aim to put some kind of tool into the community's hand to help the community by themselves, because common questions are far better and more transparent to handle this way than it was possible before with the static FAQ. (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 21. Feb. 2007, 20:37] [Comments: 0]
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