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Jens Schoenfeld (ANF)

New windows drivers for Catweasel
press release After the last update about three months ago, we mainly received bug reports that referred to writing Amiga disks. The errors could not be reproduced on our test systems immediately, therefore the solution took longer than we wanted our customers to wait. Many thanks must go to customers who patiently reported bugs and helped us test the new drivers. The new beta version (now a release candidate) can be downloaded for free from our support page.

The cause for the error that has been finally resolved was the floppy drives that are currently available on the PC market, where DD-disks practically do not exist any more. These drives have been extremely optimised for low production cost. We know about one drive that does not work with DD-disks (720K, 880K) any more, it's the Samsung SFD-321B. The re-configurable architecture of the Catweasel MK4 allows hardware updates through the driver. We found a possibility to write DD-disks with such disk drives. However, they cannot be verified or read with that kind of drives, but they can be read with most DD drives in classic Amiga computers. This lets you use the drives temporarily until you can install a recommended true dual-mode drive, for example by Teac. One thing that you should avoid is writing HD disks with DD density.

Some customers wanted to connect 5,25-inch drives with 360K capacity to the Catweasel. The imagetool now allows the necessary configuration for that. Last not least, a problem with the middle and right mouse buttons of an Amiga mouse has been resolved.

Direct download: (100 KB) (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2006, 03:25] [Comments: 0]
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