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Aminet-Uploads bis 26.11.2006
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Aminet-Uploads:
FussballBundesliga.lha     biz/misc     13K    GEN   TurboCalc Spreadsheet Football (german)
AmiGG-de.lha               comm/misc   639K    GEN   German locale and Guide for AmiGG
CTorrent-mos.lha           comm/tcp    139K    MOS   Small, Effiecient BitTorrent Client        demo/misc     5K    ARO   Tests the stability of your screen
GenPragma.lha              dev/c        20K    OS3   Generate pragma files for PDC or SAS
vbcc_PosixLib.lha          dev/c       343K    VAR   POSIX compatibility library for vbcc
SpiderMonkey-js-bin.lha    dev/lang    220K    OS3   Mozilla JavaScript interpreter for CLI
SpiderMonkey-js-src.lha    dev/lang    1.2M    GEN   Mozilla JavaScript interpreter - src
ConvBrush.lha              dev/misc     25K    OS3   Pascal tool: convert IFF image to source
SFSdefrag_1.3.lha          disk/misc    17K    VAR   SFSDefragment cli tool
sdl_football.68k.lha       game/board  523K    OS3   SDL board game
DC2Lvl-Venom2.lha          game/data   373K    GEN   81 levels for Diamond Caves II  game/think   30K    ARO   Sort the bricks with any motive        game/think   29K    GEN   Source code for puzzle game
TailTale.lha               game/think  3.1M    OS4   A commercial quality Jap Anime puzzler
Ocqua.lha                  game/wb      37K    OS3   Align 5 or more tiles with same pattern
OctHex.lha                 game/wb      37K    OS3   Align 5 or more tiles with same pattern
OcTri.lha                  game/wb      37K    OS3   Align 5 or more tiles with same pattern
ico2bmp.lha                gfx/conv     14K    VAR   Extracts BMP files from ICO files  gfx/conv    552K    ARO   Tools for handling of JPEG files  gfx/conv    748K    GEN   Tools for handling of JPEG files
lunapaint_v029.tar.gz      gfx/edit    211K    ARO   Graphics program similar to TVPaint
AmiArcadia.lha             misc/emu    201K    OS3   Emerson Arcadia 2001 emulator
anes.lha                   misc/emu     45K    OS3   A/NES v1.1 - Nintendo emulator
Bochs-2.1.5-OS4.lha        misc/emu    3.9M    OS4   Bochs is an open source x86 emulator
dosbox_aros-i386.lha       misc/emu    576K    ARO   DOS emulator
vice_1.20_aros_ppc.tar.gz  misc/emu    5.2M          Emulates c64, c128, PET, plus4 + Vic20
Boray_Occulan.mp3          mods/boray   40M    GEN   Masterpiece by Boray
Docket.lha                 util/cdity   54K    OS4   Powerful cron-like scheduling commodity                util/cli      4K    OS3   RequestChoice clone. Better.
dt2iff.lha                 util/conv     7K    VAR   Datatype -> IFF converter
akFAXX-dt.lha              util/dtype  182K    VAR   akFAXX-dt V45.55 (IFF-FAXX, 68000-060)
akGIF-dt.lha               util/dtype   40K    VAR   akGIF-dt V45.55 (GIF, 68000-060/MOS)
akJFIF-dt.lha              util/dtype  209K    VAR   akJFIF-dt V45.55 (JPEG, 68000-060/MOS)
akLJPG-dt.lha              util/dtype   66K    VAR   akLJPG-dt V45.55 (LJPG, 68000-060)
akPNG-dt.lha               util/dtype  209K    VAR   akPNG-dt V45.55 (PNG, 68000-060/MOS)
akTIFF-dt.lha              util/dtype  521K    VAR   akTIFF-dt V45.55 (TIFF, 68000-060/MOS)
StartBar-ITA.lha           util/misc   137K    OS3   Italian version of StartBar (debugged)       util/wb      34K    ARO   MUI File Search Tool

[News message: 27. Nov. 2006, 04:36] [Comments: 2 - 27. Nov. 2006, 16:02]
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