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24.Oct.2006 (Webseite)

Software updates by OnyxSoft (AmigaOS 3/4, MorphOS)
OnyxSoft have released updates of some of their programs:

AmigaOS 4: Annotate 2.5

Annotate is a text editor, originally done by Doug Bakewell in 1993, which has been improved by OnyxSoft. The list of changes since the last version are to obtain from the readme.

AmigaOS 4, MorphOS: AllKeys 2.0

The Commodity Allkeys enables the use of all rawkeys (incl. wultimedia keys) and mouse buttons as Hotkeys. Version 2.0 comes with a graphical interface, also mouse wheel movements can be simulated now.

AmigaOS 3: MultiRen 1.63

MultiRen is a strongly improved rename command with GUI which is most useful for renaming huge file sets. Version 1.63 is further bug fixed.r

AmigaOS 3: Quicksketch 1.03

With Quicksketch short notes and sketches can be made and stored.

AmigaOS 3: TheMPegEncGUI 2.63

TheMPegEncGUI is a graphical user interface for several console based MP3 encoder. In Version 2.63 a small bug was removed. (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Oct. 2006, 15:19] [Comments: 0]
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